Conversational Technologies
4 min read

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): A Powerful New Approach to Conversational AI

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): A Powerful New Approach to Conversational AI

In recent years, we’ve seen remarkable advancements in the field of conversational AI, with researchers continuously exploring new approaches to enhance the quality and adaptiveness of AI-powered systems.


One such innovative approach gaining popularity is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Introduced by Facebook researchers in 2020, RAG combines the strengths of retrieval-based and generative models to create more dynamic and responsive conversational AI solutions.

In this blog post, we will delve into the workings of RAG, its advantages, potential shortcomings, and how it is being utilized to transform conversational experiences in the real world.

Retrieval Augmented Generation Architecture

Understanding RAG

At its core, RAG is designed to tackle the challenges posed by traditional conversational AI models. Retrieval-based models excel at providing contextually relevant responses by searching through a vast corpus of information and presenting pre-existing content to users. On the other hand, generative models, like GPT-3, have shown impressive creativity in generating custom responses. The problem is they can only ingest the data they were trained on; therefore, their outputs are often inaccurate or outdated.


The key concept behind RAG lies in its two-step process. Firstly, the model extracts relevant information from an extensive corpus of text using retrieval-based methods. This process can involve traditional search techniques, such as querying a database with SQL or employing semantic search using text embeddings. The retrieved information is then utilized to guide a generative model, which crafts a contextually relevant and coherent response. This synergistic combination of retrieval and generation allows RAG to offer an adaptive and flexible solution for conversational AI.

Advantages of RAG

  • Enhanced Relevance: One of the primary benefits of RAG is its ability to retrieve and incorporate up-to-date information from a vast knowledge base. By leveraging the wealth of available data, RAG can generate contextually accurate and highly relevant responses to the user’s query, leading to more meaningful interactions. This characteristic is especially valuable in domains where precision is critical, such as healthcare, finance, and legal services.
  • Adaptiveness: RAG’s use of both retrieval and generation enables it to adapt to a wide range of user inputs. Whether the user seeks specific factual information or requires a more nuanced response, RAG can adjust its approach accordingly, making it suitable for various conversational scenarios. This adaptability empowers RAG to cater to diverse user needs effectively.
  • Benchmark Performance: RAG has demonstrated promising results in various benchmark datasets, indicating its efficacy in handling complex conversational tasks. Its ability to outperform other approaches in specific scenarios showcases its potential as a powerful conversational AI tool. As RAG continues to evolve, researchers are fine-tuning its architecture, which may further enhance its performance across diverse use cases.

Shortcomings of RAG

  • Complexity: RAG’s architecture involves multiple components, including a database, retrieval mechanism, prompt, and generative model. Managing these moving parts can introduce system development and deployment complexities. The integration of retrieval and generation also requires additional engineering effort and computational resources.
  • Difficulty in Assessment Challenges: Evaluating the performance of RAG can be intricate, as any changes to the retrieval process, data sources, or prompts need to be manually assessed. However, ongoing research aims to develop automatic assessment tools to streamline this process and enhance system improvements consistently. These tools will play a crucial role in simplifying the evaluation and optimization of RAG-based conversational systems.

Realizing RAG's Potential with Hyro

We have embraced RAG as a pivotal part of Hyro’s AI solution. Leveraging the vast knowledge sources within healthcare organizations and coupling them with Hyro’s advanced natural language understanding capabilities, we’ve been able to harness the power of RAG to answer user questions and make every data source conversational in an instant.


Hyro’s RAG-based solution, named “Spot,” is designed to cater to the healthcare industry’s unique needs. By combining RAG’s adaptiveness with the wealth of information available within healthcare organizations, Spot empowers healthcare providers to deliver personalized and accurate responses to patients’ inquiries.

Final Thoughts

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) represents a promising advancement in the realm of conversational AI. Its ability to blend the strengths of retrieval-based and generative models offers a more adaptive and responsive approach to handling user queries, elevating conversational AI experiences to new heights.


While RAG’s potential is undeniable, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of each conversational AI system. Other approaches, such as end-to-end generative or retrieval-based models, may be more suitable depending on the use case.


Over time, the context window or prompt length of LLMs has been increasing. This expansion allows Large Language Models to use more extended sources for generating responses. As a result, conversational AI solutions can provide answers to users’ questions with more comprehensive context, leading to improved accuracy and greater customization capabilities for these solutions. As conversational AI continues to evolve, RAG holds tremendous promise in shaping the future of human-machine interactions. 


By addressing its current shortcomings and leveraging its strengths, RAG can pave the way for AI assistants that are not only highly informative but also deeply engaging and empathetic, enhancing the overall user experience.

As researchers and developers push the boundaries of this innovative approach, we can look forward to witnessing the transformative impact of RAG on various industries and everyday interactions between humans and machines.

About the author

Itay Zitvar is a Software Engineering Team Lead at Hyro and a former Cyber Intelligence Officer at the IDF's famed Unit 8200. He's also trilingual and fluent in Mandarin Chinese because, for Itay, teaching AI human language is only fun if he can learn new ways of using it too.