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The Digital Front Door in 2024

The Digital Front Door in 2024

In his opening remarks from Digital Front Door Day, Israel Krush, Hyro's CEO and Co-Founder, explores the present state of the Digital Front Door, how GPT has changed the game going into 2024, and Hyro's pivotal role in reshaping the approach to AI implementation.


  • Israel Krush, CEO and Co-Founder at Hyro

Defining the Digital Front Door:

In the opening remarks ahead of the Digital Front Door Day 2023 by Hyro, CEO and co-founder Israel Krush addresses the ambiguity surrounding the term “digital front door.” He emphasizes the need to demystify the concept and provides a high-level definition: the digital front door encompasses all touch points where healthcare providers digitally engage with patients to enhance access, engagement, and overall experience.


Krush acknowledges that traditionally, these touch points such as patient portals and telemedicine platforms operate independently, creating siloed pathways. However, he emphasizes the evolving landscape in 2023, urging for a more sophisticated and interconnected approach to the digital front door.

Components of a Robust Digital Front Door:

Israel delves into the components of an effective digital front door strategy, highlighting the need for sophistication and interconnectivity. He notes that the digital front door is not a one-size-fits-all solution but should be tailored to the specific needs of a health system’s patient population. Krush suggests that an ideal digital front door should cover the entire patient journey, starting from awareness to post-care support. He stresses the importance of constructing a digital front door with multiple interconnected solutions tied back to measurable metrics to demonstrate return on investment (ROI).

Data-Driven Insights for Digital Front Door Strategy:

To understand the unique needs of a patient population, Krush underscores the significance of data. Analyzing call data from millions of patient calls, he reveals that appointment management is a significant driver, constituting nearly 50% of calls. Krush asserts that AI can resolve 60-85% of calls end-to-end with zero human involvement, but this requires an integrated and interconnected digital front door. He emphasizes the need for organizations to use data extensively in tailoring their digital front door methods for an improved patient experience and operational efficiency.

Success Stories with AI Automation

Illustrating the impact of a well-designed digital front door, Krush shares two real-world examples. The first involves a West Coast health system that achieved a 450% increase in goal completion by restructuring its digital front door strategy, employing AI voice assistance for PCP changes and call center automation. The second example showcases a major health system that saved over 700 weekly hours of contact center agent work and $1.8 million in operational costs through a holistic digital front door strategy integrating web, call center, and mobile app channels. These examples demonstrate the tangible benefits of embracing advanced digital solutions.

Challenges and Future of Generative AI in the Digital Front Door:

Israel Krush addresses the role of generative AI (GenAI) in the context of the digital front door, acknowledging both excitement and challenges. He identifies three pillars for successfully implementing GenAI: control, compliance, and explainability. Krush emphasizes the importance of defining workflows, adhering to compliance standards like HIPAA, and ensuring explainability to build trust. Looking to the future, he anticipates more personalization, proactiveness, contextual experiences, and holistic AI along the patient journey. Krush concludes by expressing optimism about exploring solutions to enhance patient experience, reduce burnout, and prepare for the evolving landscape of the digital front door.

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