Featuring Bobby Guelich, CEO & Co-Founder at Elion
Jake Dorst, Chief Information and Innovation Officer of Tahoe Forest Health System shares his “whys” and ‘hows” behind simplifying patient access as a whole. The stride to efficiency, however, comes with its own challenges, especially when it comes to caregivers giving up layers of their scheduling autonomy and handing it off to patient-centric technologies.
Jake places his digital bets on emerging technologies in healthcare and names his go-to sources of knowledge and events for healthcare IT.
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Digital Patient Experience Initiatives
The guest, Jake Doris, is working on various projects to enhance the digital patient experience, including moving to an integrated Epic environment from multiple EHRs, creating a centralized access center for scheduling, and improving access to care. They’re exploring ways to simplify patient experiences in finding and scheduling care using AI and other technologies.
Measuring Success and KPIs
The hospital uses patient surveys as a primary tool to measure satisfaction and success. They look at data to understand if physicians are working efficiently and if the scheduling system is optimized. There’s an emphasis on using AI to analyze scheduling data and improve efficiency.
Adoption of Telehealth and Other Technologies
Jake is bullish on telehealth, wearables, and conversational AI. He sees telehealth as a permanent feature enhanced by policy changes during the pandemic. He believes wearables and remote patient monitoring have specific valuable applications, especially in managing chronic conditions or specific scenarios like chemotherapy patients.
Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare IT
One major challenge is recruiting healthcare providers in expensive living areas. The hospital district is exploring solutions like building housing to lower the barrier of entry. There’s also a focus on maintaining autonomy for physicians while integrating more centralized and efficient systems.
Advice for New CIOs
Jake advises new CIOs to get out into the hospital, understand all aspects of operations, and build relationships with staff across departments. He emphasizes the importance of knowing the business side of healthcare operations and staying updated on technological and security developments.
Future of Healthcare IT: Looking ahead, he sees potential in adopting models like Maryland’s total patient revenue system, which emphasizes quality and efficiency in care delivery. He’s keen on learning from other industries and staying updated with the latest trends through various information sources and networking groups.
Nominations for Trailblazers
Jake ends by nominating several healthcare IT leaders who he views as trailblazers in the industry, noting their unique perspectives, honesty, and innovative contributions to healthcare IT.